
First Dissertation Tutorial

The first dissertation tutorial I had was pretty helpful, Mark Ingham is a very supportive lecturer and really helped me push my dissertation in the right direction. I finally have a lead question refined down..

Why is colour grading important?

Before the tutorial I wasnt too sure whether my area was a bit too broad as I could talk a lot about colour but keeping it relevent would be the issue. Mark believed this question to be good and recommended that I stick with it.

I've ordered a book today - If it's purple someones gonna die: The power of color in visual storytelling by Patti Bellantoni.

This should help me learn a lot more about colour in cinema.

I'm going to set a structure this coming week, lay down what I want to get out of each chapter. I need to start re-watching some films from a colourists point of view. I think i'll start with The Wizard of Oz...

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